Archive for the ‘Erectile Dysfunction’ Category

60+ Years Old: Still Hungry for Sex & Still Rocking in Bed

Monday, March 7th, 2016

The process of getting older generates many new habits, wishes and dreams. The desire to be closer to people we love is getting more persistent and it includes the desire to continue a satisfying and active sex life. Is that possible for men over 60? Why not? Besides, Canadian ED pills are always at males’ service!

The loss of an ability of getting and maintaining erections is not new for men in age. Some resign themselves to fate, others fight. And it is easy to figure out, who can eventually win. Erectile dysfunction is a diagnosis, but not a verdict. It’s embarrassing, yet with a proper treatment and partner’s support any ED stage is treatable.

Treating Erectile Dysfunction in Males over 60

Treating Erectile Dysfunction in Males over 60


Available treatments are versatile:

  • hormone testosterone;
  • behavior therapy or psychotherapy with/without psychoactive drugs;
  • PDE 5 inhibitors to promote blood circulation;
  • penile injections (painful, but pretty much effective).

Yet we suggest deciding in favor of pills like Canadian Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, depending on which of them work better for health. Why Canadian pills? The reason is as simple as that: they are always available, effective, safe, affordable and can be quickly delivered.

As you know, 1998 was a special year for all ED sufferers as they have finally got a chance for sex life improvement with Viagra medications. Lately there appeared Canadian Viagra – as effective and much cheaper. Such medications are referred as the 1st line therapy. They are taken 40-60 minutes before the intercourse. Pills’ active ingredients widen the blood vessels and allow getting erections during sexual stimulation. Potential dangers? Well, they are always there whatever drug is taken.

ED drugs + nitrates. The combination is very dangerous and often leads to severe low blood pressure. Discussing any possible issues with a healthcare provider is what should be done in the first place. Consumption of nitrates and ED pills is possible only if the first ones are taken 24 hours before Generic Viagra or Cialis. Patients on nitrates are prescribed minimal doses because a sexual activity doubles their chances for a heart attack.

ED drugs + prostate medications. Cases of enlarged prostate are common for males over 60. The condition is treatable, but the combination of drugs with a blue pill can cause a sudden blood pressure drop.

ED drugs + spinal cord traumas. To avoid possible complications like risks for priapism, an ED sufferer should better consume lower doses of blue pills.

Sex after 60: Less Pressure & More Intimacy

Less fear and less pressure – it’s a plain characteristic of sex after 60. Even when a man takes drugs, less fear is present. There’s a certain confidence, desire to speak about what both are experiencing. People in age are free from part-time jobs that they used to have when they were young. There are no children to be raised. They are retired and enjoy their life and sex instead of worrying about paychecks and bills. This is why their intercourses are more intimate thanks to better understanding and longer thanks to Canadian Pharmacy pills.

More connections and more intimacy – it’s a real characteristic of sex after 60. Elderly people have experienced both loss and love. If a couple spent at least 15-20 years together, raised children, experienced crucial moments, health challenges and a possible divorce, their connections are tighter and deeper.

6+1 Key Things That Make Men STILL Rock in Bed

There are more than 6, yet these ones are basic. Men rock in bed because:

  • they like the process more than the climax: they never ask silly questions like How many times did you? Did you at all? They enjoy the process and stop thinking of great fireworks at the end. They don’t mind the erectile dysfunction and just take a prescribed pill to show their best;
  • men after 60 give more than receive, especially with a Canadian blue pill. At some point they change their attitude to sex. It may happen due to life experience or because of some crucial moments. But the result is always the same – great sex, even better than it used to be 40 years ago;
  • men that are advanced in years have patience. They never put their partners under a pressure or make them perform the way they want. This usually has multiple effects, and a lot of pleasure and fun during sex is one of them;
  • before-during-after conversations help share special moments and memories. It’s one of the best parts in relationships of experienced couples. And when there’s a break from talking, there is a satisfying intimacy to be enjoyed;
  • a celebration of love. It’s definitely not the case for all elderly men, who take Canadian Cialis. However, in most cases sex after 60 (if both partners are of the same age and live together) is the celebration of what they are and the precious feelings they have.

And what is the +1 thing? Reputable Canadian Pharmacy  knows the answer. This is why it offers so many options for men over 60 and gives them many changes to continue their sexual life even if ED became one of their major health issues.

Pills can’t create new feelings or recover those that have been broken for different reasons. But they can help prolong the pleasure of couples, who are over 60. A man can be a grandpa by his passport and a young male in his heart. Why not reveal the true nature at least during the nighttime?

Mechanism of Erection

Monday, May 26th, 2014


In order to understand the success of the current oral therapy for ED, we first have to look at a brief overview of erectile physiology. Erections are initiated, maintained, and terminated due to a complex interaction between the neural and vascular components. Both central and peripheral factors are responsible for successful erections.


The main event that seems to have the most influence on the maintenance of erections is the release of NO both from the autonomic nerve endings and the endothelial cells in the corpora cavernosum. The release of NO causes vasodilation of the smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and allows for tumescence to occur. NO facilitates vasodilation and relaxation by activating guanylate cyclase. This enzyme converts guanosine triphosphate (GTP) to cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which is directly responsible for smooth muscle relaxation by its effect on intracellular calcium levels. Hyperpolarization occurs at the cell membrane, there is a decrease in cytoplasmic calcium, and the SMC relaxes. Levels of cGMP in the SMCs of the penis are regulated by the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE­5). Detumescence occurs with sympathetic nerve firing. Adrenergic nerves release norepinephrine (NE) that binds to a1 or a2 receptors on the SMC. This neurotransmitter is responsible for the activation of a G­protein and an influx of calcium into the SMC. As PDE­5 continues to breakdown cGMP to guanosine monophosphate (GMP), the SMCs and the endothelial cells con­ tract; this is the chronic state of the flaccid penis.

Oral Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors Viagra sales Australia

  • PDE­5
  • Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
  • Side effects
  • Safety
  • Comparison

Phosphodiesterase, as mentioned in the previous section, is paramount to the breakdown of cGMP in the SMC. This enzyme is found in several different tissues throughout the body and has been categorized into 11 families. The family that is found in corpora cavernosum tissue as well as smooth muscle and vascular smooth muscle is PDE­5. As the role of PDE­5 was elucidated in the 1980s, drugs were targeted to inhibit this enzyme and increase the NO in SMCs. A result of this was an unexpected increase in NO in penile tissue and improvement in erectile function.

PDE­5 inhibitors were first marketed in 1998 with the dawn of sildenafil (Viagra®). This was followed closely in 2003 with vardenafil (Levitra®) and tadalafil Australia (Cialis®). As the market for these drugs has increased, it has been important to identify the safety, efficacy, and limitations of these drugs. When choosing a PDE­5 inhibitor for a patient, it is important to know the onset of action, efficacy, and duration. Studies usually will define the maximal plasma concentration (Cmax), time to reach this plasma concentration (Tmax), and the plasma half­life (t ½). How well these laboratory findings correlate to clinical findings is sometimes difficult to determine and the measuring tool most commonly used to evaluate efficacy is the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) domain score.